Sponsor Team Trader

Team Trader is looking for sponsors and it could be YOU!

Many sports teams have sponsors that pay their membership dues for them and in return, the team wears promotional gear and if it’s a bar/restaurant, eats there after games. Well Team Trader is interested in having a sponsor. Here’s the deal:

Your company will…

  • Pay our team dues for the spring ($306)
  • Buy us team t-shirts that have your logo on them (optional)

We will…

  • Wear the team t-shirt with your logo on it (if applicable)
  • Advertise for your company on this blog (see image in sidebar)
  • Dine at your restaurant/bar after at least 2 games (if applicable)

It really is pretty easy. If you’re interested, contact me at teamtradermom@gmail.com or post a comment to this blog with your contact info.


Team Trader Thursday – The Pics

Well guess what – volleyball was canceled tonight! Boo!! Hiss!! Turns out the courts were double booked or something like that. Whatevs, talk to the hand. But it worked out because that gave us gals more time to chat, eat and drink at Granite City!

The dinner was actually kind of poetic in a way and ended up mirroring our season. We started out with 11 people who were going to come and then throughout the day, one by one, they dropped like flies. We went from 11 to 8 to 6 to 4. Yes, that’s right, there were only 4 of us die-hard Traderettes that ended up at the “last-night-of-volleyball-celebration-dinner”. We had lots of fun though – and the pics to prove it!

So here is the first one – don’t we look all cute?

Courtney, Sara, me and Cindy F.

Now the second one was supposed to be a silly one of us each striking a different volleyball pose – you know, one person setting, one hitting, one passing, etc. Well as I was trying to explain this to the girls, the waitress decided to keep taking pictures!

So we have this one…

Court and Sara look good, and Cindy would too if she wasn’t blurry. I however look like I am pleading with the girls to indulge me and do a silly volleyball pose. “Please? Come on, it’ll be fun! It’s a Team Trader tradition!”

And then there’s this one:

“Look, I’ll show for you how this concept will work. See how I’m pretending to set? Now won’t you guys try it? What? You won’t? Well too bad! I’m the captain and I say we’re gonna do it dammit! Drop and give me 15!!!”

I think the other girls were just laughing that the waitress was out of control at this point, as if her fingers were moving independently from her body and continuing to take pictures.

And finally we get this one:

See, isn’t that cute? It was worth all that we had to endure to get there, never mind that I had to break out the threats.

So that’s it. Volleyball ended on a down note in the sense that we didn’t get to play. But at least we still got to hang out. And in 3 weeks, we’ll be back on the court, ready to dominate!

P.S. No, I’m not wearing Green Bay Packers colors on purpose. We all have Team Trader t-shirts that we were planning to wear tonight. I didn’t want to have to rush and change my whole outfit when we got to the gym so I wore my TT shirt underneath my sweater all day at work. I thought the yellow and green worked but apparently it just made me look like an overzealous cheesehead. Should have worn black over it. At least then I would have been an overzealous Steeler, which I am.

Team Trader Thursday

Tonight is the last night of women’s volleyball for the Fall 2010 session (tear). But the good news is that we’ll be back and playing again in just a few short weeks, when the 2011 session starts.

Team Trader decided to do it right and send this session out with a bang. We’re all meeting up for dinner/drinks beforehand and then going to play. And you know what? The gym we’re playing at allows alcohol to be brought in. MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! This could be an interesting night…

This has actually been an interesting season. Here’s a recap of some of the oddities that have plagued Team Trader over these last 4 months:

  1. We lost Marianne right off the bat because she moved to Denver. So we started off with a team of 7 that included: Sara, Courtney, Sybille, Cindy B., Cindy F., Katie, and me.
  2. Before the first game even commenced, we found out that Katie couldn’t play. She is pregnant, which we knew, but thought she’d be able to play for a little while longer. No dice. So now we’re down to 6.
  3. Courtney had to travel for the first 4 weeks. Now we’re down to 5 and had to find a sub each one of those weeks.
  4. She got back and Sybille got sick. At first it seemed to be a cold or something. Eventually it led to surgery and having her spleen removed. 
  5. At this point I had to get more permanent players so Mandy and Megan were added. They decided to alternate early and late nights so when we played at 6:30, Mandy would come. When it was at 8:15, Megan would play.
  6. On the early  nights, we only had one setter (yours truly) so we started running a 5-1 offense. I haven’t been the setter on a 5-1 in  years so it was scary and exciting at the same time. And what a workout! But it was really fun and I hope to do more of it next session, or perhaps even a 6-2.
  7. One night Mandy brought her kids and they made signs that said “Go Team Trader!” It was super cute and awesome to have a cheering section!

Hopefully that’s the end of the craziness and we can stabilize this next session. Sybille will be back and Megan is staying on as our 7th player (those of you who play regularly will know that it’s always a good idea to have a built-in sub on the roster). It’s sad to wind down one session but then again, a break is nice too.

I will take pics tonight and post them tomorrow. Cheers to the women of Team Trader!

Team Trader Thursday!

I am seriously jonesing for volleyball. I need my fix man!

Team Trader hasn’t played in 3 weeks. We had a bye last week and the week before they canceled it so another league could use our gym. This means a couple of things for tonight’s games:

  1. Most of us will be rusty. Back in the day I played vb 2-3 times a week, which of course helps keeps the skills sharp. But, with a child now, I can only commit to one night a week. Most of the other girls only play once a week as well. Sooo….not playing at all for 2 weeks means our mad skillz will take a big of a nosedive tonight. But, it won’t take us long to get back in to it! We’re rock stars after all!
  2. We will all be sore tomorrow. 2 hours of running, jumping, rolling, diving, squatting, raising/lowering your arms, and hitting the ball will do that to a person.
  3. We have a lot to catch up on so there will be much chatter on the court.
  4. We will have a blast!

I’ve still got this pesky virus that’s going around and taking my family down one by one. But I’m getting better each day. Because of being sick, I haven’t worked out AT ALL in over 3 weeks. That’s like, unheard of for me. So I will be extra sore and tired tomorrow. It’s worth it though.

Go Team Trader!!

TT Thursday

This has been a crazy volleyball season as far as subs go. We’re in our 6th week and have yet to have a full team.

Courtney has been out for work. Sybille has been sick. Cindy F. has been traveling. Cindy B. has had baby-sitter issues. Sara and I are the only two who have been at every game.

Fortunately we have a "roster " of good subs. I try to use the same subs if possible to keep some consistency. It hasn’t hurt us yet this season because we have awesome subs who fit right in.

Tonight we have 3 subs again. I know we’ll do well. We really need to win all 6 games in order to have a shot at first place.

Go Team Trader!